Saturday, March 28, 2009

Why is Columbia Park boys and girls club in the mission?

I've walked by the Columbia Park boys and girls club many times. It's located on Guerrero Street in the Mission, and there is no place called Columbia Park near it. I've often wondered why it was called that.

The answer turns out to be fairly straightforward. The boys and girls club used to be located near Columbia Square. Columbia Square is a park in SOMA, near Harrision and Columbia. At some point, the club moved to Guerrero Street but kept the name of the old location.

This information came from "San Francisco: As it Was, as it Is, and how to See it" by Helen Throop Purdy. From that book, I also learned that Dolores Park used to be called Mission Park and used to have a wading pool. It's available on the internet at Google Book Search

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